About Me
Why I Decided To Go To Trade School

After scraping by in college for a few semesters, I realized that I didn't want to simply "get through" college, I wanted to use my higher education to create a career that I would love forever. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a major at my university that would help me to get the kind of job that I wanted. I wanted to work with my hands, meet new people every day, and get outside occasionally. Fortunately, a friend of mine suggested trade school, which is why I decided to take a second look. I enrolled at a local trade school, and the incredible teachers there taught me everything that I needed to know to get a real job that I loved. Check out this blog to learn the benefits of trade school.


Giving Back: 4 Helpful Car Donation Tips Everyone Should Know

18 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Donating an old vehicle is a great way to help out a local charity. The charity can either sell the vehicle, give it away to someone in need, or keep it to use for various errands. It might seem very simple to donate your car, but it can be a little complicated. If you are interested in donating your vehicle, use these four tips to ensure it goes smoothly: 1. Transfer Ownership Read More …