3 Reasons To Consider HVAC Training Over A Four-Year Degree

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After scraping by in college for a few semesters, I realized that I didn't want to simply "get through" college, I wanted to use my higher education to create a career that I would love forever. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a major at my university that would help me to get the kind of job that I wanted. I wanted to work with my hands, meet new people every day, and get outside occasionally. Fortunately, a friend of mine suggested trade school, which is why I decided to take a second look. I enrolled at a local trade school, and the incredible teachers there taught me everything that I needed to know to get a real job that I loved. Check out this blog to learn the benefits of trade school.


3 Reasons To Consider HVAC Training Over A Four-Year Degree

5 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you are a new high school graduate or thinking about changing jobs, you will need to decide between training programs and four-year college. For many people, HVAC training is the best option over traditional college.

Time To Completion

A common reason people choose HVAC training over a 4-year college is the time to completion. Although every training program will be different, they typically require significantly less time to complete than four years. Many people, especially those who have recently graduated high school or those pursuing a new career are disinterested in spending years pursuing an education. In some instances, a four-year degree is just not practical. People who have recently lost their job or have other responsibilities that require them to earn an income may not be afforded the luxury of waiting for years before their career starts. Many programs are flexible so trainees can take classes at different times of day, which can be critical for those who are currently employed or have other obligations that might limit when they can take classes.

Evergreen Career

A four-year degree can be off-putting because having a degree does not guarantee a job after graduation. Many people find themselves with degrees that are not in demand and may end up working in an entry-level job completely out of their field. HVAC is an evergreen profession, meaning there will always be a need for the technicians. Since training encompasses different aspects of HVAC, graduates often have a wide range of career opportunities, whether they want to work in residential or commercial sectors. If aspects of HVAC change, such as the creation of cleaner energy sources or other new technology, technicians can simply take additional training to become proficient and up-to-date on the new technology. In contrast, many other career fields may require significant coursework and training to remain employable, if trends change.


Student loan debt is a huge problem for graduates of four-year colleges. With an erratic job market, many people are forced to take jobs that do not cover their student loan debt and ultimately default on their loans. Many HVAC training programs accept state and federal grants, which can reduce or eliminate the need to take out student loans. Depending on the program you choose, there may be options for on-the-job training. This allows you to earn an income while you continue your training program and further minimize debt.

HVAC training has many advantages over pursuing a four-year degree. These advantages are especially appealing to recent high school graduates and those who need to change their career field.

For more information, reach out to a local HVAC training school.